Upcoming Meetups and News
Last meeting I did a short presentation on shaders, and here is a post I did on creating a Whirlpool shader effect.
Additionally, me and Drew created a game for Ludum Dare 36: Pyramid Scheme! Pyramid Scheme is a speech giving simulator fronted by a motivational speaker with a shady history and an unhinged mind. We made the game over 3 days and we literally submitted with TEN SECONDS to spare. I’d like to thank Drew for doing a lot of heavy lifting in terms of coding and writing. I focused a lot on the art and did a bit of coding as well. The game’s page is here, and you can download and play it as well! (oh and leave us feedback, good or bad!)
Upcoming Meeting on September 8th
Our casual chat meetup is on next Thursday at 7pm. Come on by! More info is on the calendar.