Tucson Game Dev hosts game jams whenever we can. It is a great way for people to break the ice and learn a lot about game development over the course of a couple days. TGD has hosted the Global Game Jam and Ludum Dare in the past.
Global Game Jam 2017
Global Game Jam Tucson was a blast with tons of games made! Check out the link below for all the games made by participants in 2017.
Ludum Dare 39
CircleBots Share – Bobbly Elser
Mad Trax – boats, Benjamin Armour, SamHunny, Gengi, Zahid, & EndilWayfare
Hominem Ex Machina – Chris Hill & Drew Castalia
Game Maker’s Tool Kit Gamejam
Micro Mower – Andrew Seward
Ludum Dare 36
Pyramid Scheme – Chris Hill & Drew Castalia