Next Game Jam: Ludum Dare 45, extended!
It’s time again for another game jam event! This time we’ll get together to participate in the 45th Ludum Dare, which runs from October 4-7. This will be a solid 48 hours of video game making, and it’s always better with friends and free food!
Of course, anyone who’s participated in a weekend game jam can attest: 48 hours is never really enough. That’s why we’re going to change things up a bit, and extend this LDJam with our own local competition! We’re going to add the rest of the week to our local submission deadline, giving you an additional 5 days to refine whatever you made over the weekend into something you can really be proud of.
Couldn’t squeeze in that one last awesome feature by Sunday night? Ran out of time to polish those animations or replace all of the placeholder sfx you made with your mouth? Just need more time to add juice? The week is yours! Submit your weekend’s ugly-baby prototype to the Ludum Dare website by Sunday or Monday night, and bring the finished game to our own closing ceremonies Saturday October 12.
And since we’re making this competition our own, we’re also going to spice it up with glorious prizes! Stickers! Trophies! Even cold, hard cash! Local voting will determine the victor to whom will go the spoils.
Specifics about location, schedule, and rules are being finalized now. Check back with us soon for those. For now: get hyped, warm up with your tools of choice, and get your bad self over to our Discord to stay in touch. See you there!