Ludum Dare 42 Postmortem
A wild Ludum Dare appears! TGD Members use ‘Make Jam Game’. Its Super Effective!
Check out and review these LD42 games that were made over one exhausting weekend:
BearBus by Digigee
It’s your first day on bear bus express and your job is to make sure that everyone gets along!!$114900
Grid Blitz by talrnu
Clear all of the items to win! Grab items as they scroll by, and find a spot for them on the grid. Fill a grid with items, then click the button to clear those items. You get a limited number of grids, and a limited amount of time!
A Few Bits Left by pushxtonotdie and nookington
Two adventurers seek out the RAM stolen from their robot comrade. Wandering outside a temple is the Memory Hog, an evil robot hoarding memory from its brethren. Seek out the Hog, and get back your robot’s memory before it runs out of space!
Scrapyard by candlebird
Scrap Yard is a fast paced arcade game. Your goal is to survive by pushing enemies into the walls that constantly close in. Grab power-ups, watch your health and get a high score!