A New Year, A New TGD!
As we come to the end of the year, its great to see the quality of our group improving on every level. The work people are presenting, our guest speakers, and the building of our community keep getting better.
Our virtual presenter setup has worked out better than expected. We’ve had an oscar-winning presenter Don Daglow. We’ve had Dan Miller from Unity present on augmented reality. Our caliber of guests this year was fantastic!
Our local community is building and presenting some great games. We’ve had some super fun game jams, and found a home with the U of A’s game dev group to host our jams. We’ve also added exposure to the group by hosting a booth at the Tucson Comic-Con. And we’ve given out cash prizes for the winner of our Ludum Dare competition.
So what’s next for TGD?
Reaching Out Globally
Our monthly meetings have been focused on providing resources to attendees. But we really want to reach out globally. We will start recording our meetings and creating content that can be viewed by anyone anywhere. By creating professional quality content, we want to put Tucson on the game industry map.
Asking For Your Support
We’ve started our Patreon, with the hopes of increasing the amount of funds we can apply to our mission. We plan on adding all patrons to the credits of our video content. We also hope this can fund more booths at other events like the Tucson Comic-Con, bringing more exposure to local developers.
Building a Mission Statement
Our focus for Tucson Game Developers has been to build a game development ecosystem for Tucson. But what does that mean? Why does our group exist? Part of our focus for 2020 is to be clearer about our goals with the group. We will be defining a specific mission statement and putting this online.
Get Involved!
Lastly we could really use whatever help you may want to give. If you are interested in any of the following please let us know:
- Giving a talk.
- Updating and maintaining the website.
- Improving our social media presence.
- Recording or editing video for our events.
- Creating content and branding for our group and website.
Thanks you, and have a great 2020!